Accessible Technologies

Our Mission
Recommitting means making Virginia Tech accessible and affordable to those who have been excluded in the past.
The mission of Accessible Technologies is to promote the use of teaching and learning strategies, communications practices, technologies, and technology standards that enable everyone in our university community, regardless of disability status, to learn and work.

At Accessible Technologies, we work to ensure that students, employees, and the general public with disabilities have appropriate technologies needed to access programs and services of the university. To achieve this goal, we work with the university's ADA & Accessibility Services and Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) to educate and supply assistive technologies to individuals with a documented need for disability accommodations at Virginia Tech.
Get Involved
We encourage members of the Virginia Tech community to become involved by participating in research to create advanced technologies, finding better ways to use existing assistive technologies for the disabled, or just by learning about the benefits of assistive technologies and how to design digital resources that are compatible with them.
Our Group
Accessible Technologies is a group within Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) and works primarily out of our offices in 2020 Torgersen Hall. We are operationally responsible for Assistive Technology Services in Newman Library, Inclusive Media Services, Teaching and Outreach activities, and Web Accessibility consulting and testing services.
What Is Available
General ItemAccess Services
We make available assistive technology software and equipment and provide training on their use.
General ItemCommunities of Practice
We help make connections between people interested building a more inclusive digital presence at the University
General ItemTeaching and Outreach
We lead workshops, classroom lectures and public outreach events on topics related to assistive technologies, digital accessibility and universal design for learning.
General ItemWeb Accessibility
We provide information, tools, and consultations to help make your websites accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.